Thursday 22 January 2015

First Certificate 2015 Speaking Part 3 (collaborative task)

Watch the video clip from the link below and take notes of the linking words used to link ideas and opinions together.

Remember to listen out for examples such as:
on the other hand, although, on the contrary, despite, whereas.
Also listen for language of agreement and disagreement (in this collaborative task, candidates must come to an agreement).

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Talking about the past

Distinguish between two past activities using Past Perfect

Click here to try the exercise

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Have a go at testing your knowledge of perfect forms with this British Council exercise

Click on the link below to begin

Writing a formal report

You have been asked to write a report (190 words) for your college director.
Write a report about a school one-day excursion of your choice.
Remember to follow the example in your student's book at the end of unit 3.
Use headings to organise your text and don't forget to include the information requested in the task - what you did and why it was successful.